Religious Education

Our School Prayer                                                                    Pray.jpg

This is our school                                     

Let peace dwell here. 

Let there be love,

Love of one another

And love of life itself.

Let us remember that as many hands build a home,

So many hearts make a school.



Autumn 1 and 2


How do people of faith say thank you to God for the harvest?

We will be thinking about how we celebrate harvest and what we do in school and in the rest of our country at harvest time.  We will think about why people give thanks to God and how they show this.  The Bible has many references to harvest and we will study some of the quotes to find out more.  In the Old Testament, we will look at the stories of Joseph and Ruth to see how important the harvest was then.  Then we will look at other faiths, Judaism and Hinduism, to find out how they celebrate the harvest, compare it to our celebrations and how they give thanks to God.  Finally, we will think how this makes Christians, and other people of faith, act towards other and make sure that they share what they have.




We have been learning about the Christian story of Creation.  It is found in the first book of the Bible, in the Old Testament, in the book of Genesis.  Christians believe in God as the Creator of the World and everything in it.  We shall be learning all about the story of Creation and how this changes how Christians view the world and how they look after it.  Christians are seen as stewards of the world, and they need to take care of it. We thought about what we are grateful for in creation - look at our impressive artwork to represent this!

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World Religions Day, 30.9.24

In class 3 we learnt all about Sikhism, how it began in India, key beliefs and traditions.

We enjoyed making divas to celebrate Diwali and role-playing with the Sikh Temple.

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Every day is an open day. Please contact the school office to book in a visit to our lovely school. Love one another; as I have loved you. John 13:34
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Get in Touch!

Antrobus St Mark's CE Aided Primary School

School Lane, Antrobus, Northwich, Cheshire CW9 6LB

Great Budworth

School Lane, Great Budworth, Northwich CW9 6HQ

Miss Rhian Perry: Executive Head of the Federation of Antrobus St Marks and Great Budworth Primary Schools

Mrs Rachel Corradine: Head of School at Great Budworth

Mr Mike Hathway | (SENDCO)