Reading and Guided Reading
The reading schemes we use are Big Cat Collins, Bug Club and Read Write Inc. Reading books will be sent home for you to read and enjoy together and we ask parents to support their children with their reading on a nightly basis. Reading books will be changed on a Monday and Thursday. Year 21 children, and those still accessing daily phonics lessons will bring home a reading book and a Read Write Inc book. Between these days please encourage your child to read their school book more than once as this aids fluency and understanding. Feel free to also read your own books from home and online books.
Guided Reading
Once the children have completed Read Write Inc, we move onto whole class guided reading. We follow Pathways to Read which links very closely to our Pathways to Write.
There is a big focus on fluency within our Guided Reading sessions as well as making predictions, inferring, examining vocabulary and retrieval of information.
Sping 1
This half term our Guided Reading texts links with our class text The Dragon Machine by Helen Ward
We are reading the texts The Dragonsitter by Josh Lacey and Real Drgaons by National Geographic.
Autumn 2
This half term our Guided reading text links with our class text The Owl who was afraid of the dark.
We are reading the text Above and Below by Patricia Hegarty and Hanako Clulow.
The chidlren have loved reading the book and finding out information about different habitats.
Autumn 1
This half term our Guided Reading text links closely to our English text Troll Swap.
We started off the half term by studing the text The Three Billy Goats Gruff by Mara Alperin. We are now reading the text The Troll by Julia Donaldson.
Author of the Term
Each term we have a class author. We have a range of their books in our classroom library that the chidlren are allowed to read during 'free time', as well as sharing them as a class at the end of the day. Our author for this term is...
Tom Fletcher
Here is a selection of some of the amazing texts her has written.