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Religious Education

Autumn 1

Reception and Pre - School are taught together by Mrs Hathaway. Year 1 and 2 are taught together by Mrs Gould. Following the guidance from Questful R.E, this term we are focusing on Harvest.

Reception and Pre - School have been learning about what Harvest is, what the Bible tells us about Harvest and why we should thank God for his creation. The children are having fantastic discussions and are able to talk about how we can help others.

Our Harvest Festival is Friday 18th October and we are collecting donations for Changing Lives. 






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Every day is an open day. Please contact the school office to book in a visit to our lovely school. Love one another; as I have loved you. John 13:34
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Get in Touch!

Antrobus St Mark's CE Aided Primary School

School Lane, Antrobus, Northwich, Cheshire CW9 6LB

Great Budworth

School Lane, Great Budworth, Northwich CW9 6HQ

Miss Rhian Perry: Executive Head of the Federation of Antrobus St Marks and Great Budworth Primary Schools

Mrs Rachel Corradine: Head of School at Great Budworth

Mr Mike Hathway | (SENDCO)