We had a visit from Btales to learn about the story of creation. We had so much fun using props to re tell the story. We sang songs and danced whilst learning about how the world was created. we freeze framed the day the sun and the moon was created.
We visited the church we looked at all the different features and talked about what happens in church. We found a Hymn book and learnt where the hymn number go for the services. We said a prayer before we left.
Autumn 2
Our key Christian concept this half term is incarnation. The aim of this unit is to explore the nativity story and ensure we know that Christmas is the celebration of Jesus’s birth. We will look at baby pictures and compare the differences to when Jesus was born. We will talk about feelings related to celebrating Christmas and birthdays.
We looked at Diwali and read the story of Rama and Sita, we talked about the importance of lights in the story to show Rama and Sita the way home. We made our own diva lamps with clay.
Autumn 1
We had a visit from Btales and we learnt all about the story Noahs Ark. We used props and masks to act out the story.
In RE lessons we will be talking about harvest from around the world, discuss why harvest is celebrated and the importance of helping others.
We read the story Clever Cub gives thanks to God and we talked about what we are thankful for and how we can say thankyou.