Maths in Class 2 is taught through a range of practical and written methods. Each week we have a theme that we focus on and our Maths learning revolves around this. We will update the page regularly so that you can see what Maths the children are currently learning.
We follow White Rose Maths in our school.
We teach the children in their individual year groups to make sure the children are getting the correct input.
Maths homework is set on a Tuesday and collected in the following Monday. This will be based on work we have been doing in class. Parents can opt in to purchase a homework book that they will work through and will be linked to the learning that is taking place in class.
Here are some links that you can use to practise some of the maths skills we will be learning this year.
Number and Place Value
The children have been looking at representing numbers in a variety of different ways.
Year 2 children made use of practical equipment when looking at how they can flexibly partition numbers up to 100 in different ways.
Year 1 children were introduced to part-whole models we used practical equipment to understand how they work.
We have been working really hard on learning our number bonds to 10 (year 1) and number bonds to 100 (year 2).
Problem Solving
Once the children are secure with an area of math we like to challenge their thinking by giving them problems to be solved. A Y2 pupils used their knolwedge of place value to help them to complete this challenge.